Uses of Package
Packages that use com.codingame.gameengine.module.entities
Classes in com.codingame.gameengine.module.entities used by
Classes in com.codingame.gameengine.module.entities used by com.codingame.gameengine.module.entitiesClassDescriptionRepresents a label on screen, you can use any bitmap font in your asset folder as it's font.Any PIXI Entity that can be attributed a
.The list of supported PIXI blend modes and their associated constant.A BufferedGroup is an Entity which acts as a container for other entities.A Circle specifies an area in a theworld
defined by the Circle's center point (x,y) and its radius.The function that will be used to animate the transition of given properties between two states of anEntity
.A graphical entity, displayed on screen in the game's replay.The GraphicEntityModule takes care of displaying and animating graphical entities on the replay of the game.A Group is an Entity which acts as a container for other entities.Represents a line segment from (x,y) to (x2,y2) in world units.Entities that implement this interface can be used as aMask
by other entities.A Polygon specifies an area in a theworld
defined by a sequence of points.A Rectangle specifies an area in a theworld
enclosed by the Rectangle's upper-left point (x,y), its width, and its height.A RoundedRectangle specifies an area in a theworld
enclosed by the Rectangle's upper-left point (x,y), its width, and its height.A Shape represents a graphical entity with a fill and a line, both of which have an alpha and color.A Sprite is a graphical entity which displays an image.ASpriteAnimation
is a graphical entity which displays a sequence of images.A Sprite is a graphical entity which displays an image.Utility to load an image containing several subimages displayed in sequential rectangles.Represents a label on screen.The list of supported font weights.Generic type for entities containing text.This is an enumeration that contains the three options for text alignment: left, center, and right.Any PIXI Entity based on a texture shares the properties found in thisTextureBasedEntity
.A TilingSprite is a graphical entity which displays a tiling image.The World represents a coordinate mapping from the positions of entities to the pixels on screen. -
Classes in com.codingame.gameengine.module.entities used by com.codingame.gameengine.module.toggle
Classes in com.codingame.gameengine.module.entities used by com.codingame.gameengine.module.tooltip
Classes in com.codingame.gameengine.module.entities used by com.codingame.gameengine.module.viewport